AMIA Case Report on the Judicial Activity 1994 – 2015
Timeline of Events
Iranian Foreign Minster Javad Zarif letter to Argentina’s Foreign Minister, Jorge Marcelo Faurie, on November 4, 2017 about the status of the red notices.
Report by Argentina’s Prosecutor investigating Nisman’s death, Eduardo Taiano, published on January 10, 2025: report in Spanish
Key points in English from Prosecutor Taiano’s report investigating Nisman’s murder (edited by Toby Dershowitz, January 20, 2025)
2017 indictment of Nisman’s IT specialist Diego Lagomarsino, as an accessory to Nisman’s murder.
2017 indictment of Cristina Kirchner and 14 others for Treason and obstruction of justice
AMIA Indictment – October 26, 2006
Memorandum of Understanding – January 27, 2013
Constitutional Challenge to Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – November 13, 2013
Nisman’s report on Iran’s terrorist networks throughout Latin America- May 29, 2013
Ricardo Saenz Opinion – February 25, 2016
The Criminal Plot – Nisman Complaint – January 14, 2015
Threats to Nisman’s life
Argentine Arrest Warrants
Iranians connected to AMIA added to Terrorism Registry
Key Players/ Who’s who?
John F. Kennedy International Airport Terror Plot
US Congress
Video/Audio/ Footage
Third Party Experts
Argentine National Congress
Marking 25 Years Since the Attack
Argentina designates Hezbollah as a terrorist entity
Justice Department Terrorism Charges for Salman El Reda
Other US Government Officials’ Statements
Appointment of Ahmad Vahidi and Mohsen Rezaei to Iran’s Cabinet (August 2021)
AMIA Case Report on the Judicial Activity 1994 – 2015
- July 2024 Updated Report on the AMIA Case
- Causa AMIA: Report on the judicial activity (Informe de lo que actuado 1994-2015)
- Causa AMIA: Informe de lo que actuado 1994-2015 is the original case report on the judiciary activity written by the legal representative of the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA), Miguel Bronfman. Bronfman has served the AMIA in this capacity since 2008. This document is a resource for the legal community, law enforcement, policy makers, academics and others interested in examining the proceedings of the judicial activity associated with the investigation into the bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center. It includes quotations from testimony of witnesses to the attack; excerpts from judicial reports that were utilized in the investigation, and original documents such as the call logs from coordinators of the bombing prior to the attack.
- The case report, originally written in Spanish, is in the process of being translated into English. The AMIA Case: Report on the Judicial Activity 1994-2015 (excerpts) document contains the English translation up until page 148. It provides a timeline of the key judicial-related developments since the day of the attack.
- Spanish: Causa AMIA: Report on the Judicial Activity (Informe de lo que actuado 1994-2015)
- Parte 1: Prólogo, Presentación, Resumen Cronológico, y Capítulos I- VI
- Parte 2: Capítulos VII-XI
- Parte 3: Anexos, y Documentos Reseñados
- English: AMIA Case: Report on the Judicial Activity 1994-2015 (excerpts)
- Spanish: Causa AMIA: Report on the Judicial Activity (Informe de lo que actuado 1994-2015)
Timeline of Events
- July 18, 1994 – December 2015 (from the AMIA Case Report)
- January 18, 2015 – June 24, 2019 (collected from press reports)
Iranian Foreign Minster Javad Zarif letter to Argentina’s Foreign Minister, Jorge Marcelo Faurie, on November 4, 2017 about the status of the red notices
Report by Argentina’s Prosecutor investigating Nisman’s death, Eduardo Taiano, published on January 10, 2025
- Report in Spanish
- Key points in English from Prosecutor Taiano’s report investigating Nisman’s murder (edited by Toby Dershowitz, January 20, 2025)
2017 indictment of Nisman’s IT specialist Diego Lagomarsino, as an accessory to Nisman’s murder
2017 indictment of Cristina Kirchner and 14 others for Treason and obstruction of justice
AMIA Indictment- 2006 Report
- Nisman indictment – Full Text – October 25, 2006
- Nisman indictment – Opinion Summary
- Interpol red notices
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)– January 27, 2013
- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – Full Text – January 27, 2013
- This MOU between Argentina and Iran established the controversial “Truth Commission” to investigate the AMIA bombing.
Constitutional Challenge to MOU – November 13, 2013
- Nisman constitutional challenge (amparo) to MOU – Summary – November 13, 2013
Nisman’s report on Iran’s terrorist networks throughout Latin America – May 29, 2013
- Nisman report (dictamina) on sleeper cells – Full Text
- Nisman report (dictamina) on sleeper cells – Brief Summary
- Nisman report (dictamina) on sleeper cells – Extended Summary
The Criminal Plot – Nisman Complaint – Filed Wednesday, January 14, 2015
- Nisman complaint (denuncia) – Full Text
- Nisman complaint (denuncia) – Extended Summary
- Draft arrest warrant of President Cristina Kirchner and Timerman found in Nisman’s trash – January 20, 2015
- Transcript of five wiretaps
- Indictment of President Kirchner by Federal Prosecutor Gerardo Pollicita
- Rafecas’ dismissal of Nisman’s complaint – February 26, 2015
- Pollicita’s appeal – March 4, 2015
- Carrio Testimony – May 5, 2015
- Nisman Complaint Dismissal by Argentina’s Federal Oral Court No. 8 – October 8, 2021 (Source: Buenos Aires Times)
- Argentina Federal Criminal Cassation Chamber reopening of the Complaint – September 18, 2023 (Source: Buenos Aires Times)
- Argentina Federal Criminal Cassation Chamber declaration of Iran’s “crime against humanity” and ordering of the AMIA attack. – April 11, 2024 (Source: Times of Israel)
Ricardo Saenz Opinion – February 25, 2016
Threats to Nisman’s life
- Bloomberg News: Argentina Under Fire for Revealing Trip of Fleeing Reporter – January 26, 2015
- “Opposition lawmaker Patricia Bullrich said Nisman told her he had recordings of phone calls in which an Argentine intelligence agent gave details of his family to one of the seven Iranians charged for being involved in the bombing that killed 85 people.”
- BuzzFeed: Dead Argentinian Prosecutor’s Ex-Wife Got A Magazine With A Bullet Hole Drawn On His Photo – February 4, 2015
- “In yet another twist to the mysterious death of Argentinian prosecutor Alberto Nisman, his ex-wife testified Friday that she received a magazine cover of Nisman’s photo with a black hole drawn on his head, like a bullet hole, multiple media outlets reported Wednesday.”
- The Guardian: Argentina’s president asked to testify about mysterious death of prosecutor – February 4, 2015
- “On the day before the prosecutor was found with a gunshot wound to his head, a copy of a magazine featuring a picture of Nisman – on to which a bullet hole had been drawn with a magic marker on his forehead, was received at the home of his former wife Sandra Arroyo Salgado, court sources revealed today.”
Argentine Arrest Warrants
- Poder Judicial de la Nación – Full Text – November 2006
- Poder Judicial de la Nación is a Resolution of the Argentine state executed by the Judiciary and the Public Prosecutors’ office which provides explicit evidence of Iranian officials’ participation in the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center. Ordered on November 9, 2006 by Federal Judge Rodolfo Canicoba Corral, it documents the evidence that was utilized by Argentine prosecutors Alberto Nisman and Marcelo Martinez Burgos to formally request national and international arrest warrants, along with extradition requests, for each accused Iranian official. These include: Ali Akbar Hashemi Bahramaie Rafsanjani, Ali Fallahijan, Ali Akbar Velayati, Mohsen Rezai, Ahmad Vahidi, Mohsen Rabbani, Ahmad Reza Asghari, Imad Fayez Moughnieh and Hadi Soleimanpour. This document puts forth the evidence that led judge Canicoba Corral to conclude that the accused engaged in manslaughter aggravated by racial or religious hatred, in what is declared for the first time a crime against humanity.
- Ahmad Reza Asghari
- Ali Fallahijan
- Mohsen Rabbani
- Ahmad Vahidi
- Mohsen Rezai
- Salman El Reda
- See also:
- President Milei asks INTERPOL to enforce its red notice on Ahmad Vahidi – April 24, 2024 (Source: Argentina Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Release)
- Treasury Designation of Ahmad Vahidi – U.S. Department of the Treasury press release designating Ahmad Vahidi for the shutdown of Iran’s Internet access and the continued violence against peaceful protesters in the wake of the tragic death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini – October 6, 2022
- Renewal of INTERPOL red notices through 2027 – June 1, 2022 (Source: Iranwire)
- Rewards For Justice: Rewards Offer for Information on Hezbollah Key Leader Salman Raouf Salman – U.S. Department of State Rewards for Justice press release offering up to $7 million for information leading to the identification or location of Salman Raouf Salman, also known as Samuel Salman El Reda, currently a key leader of Hezbollah who reportedly played a role in the AMIA bombing – July 19, 2019
- Treasury Designation of Salman Raouf Salman – U.S. Department of the Treasury press release designating Salman Raouf Salman, a senior member of Hezbollah’s External Security Organization (ESO), which is responsible for the planning, coordination, and execution of terrorist attacks outside of Lebanon – July 19, 2019
- The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control added Salman to the Specially Designated Nationals List pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13224, which targets terrorists and those providing support to terrorists or acts of terrorism.
- See also:
- Red Notice Graphic displaying the international travel of eight Iranian suspects, despite having been issued Interpol red notices or international arrest warrants. Those listed are accused of masterminding the AMIA attack but have traveled freely to at least twenty Interpol-member countries.
- Updated list of INTERPOL red notice travel violations for eight Iranian suspects. This includes travel through 22 INTERPOL members without an arrest of any of the subjects. – Updated through July 2024.
Iranians connected to AMIA added to Terrorism Registry
- UIF Resolution #089, contains intelligence information about the Iranians accused of masterminding the attack on the AMIA. This Argentine Intelligence report, put together by the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF), was used to facilitate the government’s addition of these individuals to the Public Registration of Persons and Entities Linked to Acts of Terrorism and its Financing (RePET) – August 6, 2019
- The report, requested by UFI-AMIA Federal Prosecutor Sebastian Basso, connects the dots between the Iranian suspects and their alleged participation the AMIA attack and orders the freezing of goods and/or money of each of the accused.
Key Figures/ Who’s who?
John F. Kennedy International Airport Terror Plot
- United States v. Defreitas, et al. (07-cr-543): Affidavit of Robert Addonizio – January 4, 2010
- United States v. Defreitas, et al. (07-cr-543): Abdul Kadir Pre-Sentence Letter – November 30, 2010
- United States v. Defreitas, et al. (07-cr-543): Loretta Lynch Letter regarding Sentencing of Abdul Kadir – December 7, 2010 – December 7, 2010
- United States v. Defreitas, et al. (07-cr-543): Trial Transcript – July 13, 2010
- United States v. Defreitas, et al. (07-cr-543): Trial Transcript – July 14, 2010
- United States v. Defreitas, et al. (07-cr-543): Trial Transcript – July 15, 2010
US Congress
Invitation to testify before U.S. House of Representatives
- Statements from Members of Congress on AMIA Truth Commission, Nisman investigation
- Nisman Letter to Rep. McCaul stating that he was denied permission to testify – July 1, 2013
- Letter from Rep. McCaul and Rep. Duncan asking CFK reconsider and allow Nisman to testify – July 3, 2013
Congressional Statements on Nisman’s Death And Argentina’s Investigation
- S. Res.758 – Senate Resolution remembering the 32nd anniversary of the bombing of the Embassy of Israel in Buenos Aires on March 17, 1992, and the 30th anniversary of the bombing of the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association building in Buenos Aires on July 18, 1994, and recommitting to efforts to uphold justice for the victims of the attacks. – Introduced July 10, 2024
- H. Res.1266 – House Resolution condemning the attack on the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in July 1994 and encouraging accountability for the attack. – Introduced May 31, 2024
- Rep. McCaul and Sen. Cardin Statement on Argentinian Court Finding Iran Responsible for Attacks on Israeli Embassy and Jewish Center – April 16, 2024
- Rep. McCaul, at the time of this statement, was the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Sen. Cardin was the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- S. Res.307 – Senate resolution remembering the 31st anniversary of the bombing of the Embassy of Israel in Buenos Aires on March 17, 1992, and the 29th anniversary of the bombing of the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association Community Center in Buenos Aires on July 18, 1994, and recommitting to efforts to uphold justice for the victims of the attacks. – Introduced July 25, 2023
- H. Res.600 – House Resolution condemning the attack on the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in July 1994, and expressing the concern of the United States regarding the continuing, 29-year-long delay in the resolution of this case and encouraging accountability for the attack. – Introduced July 18, 2023
- S. Res.730 – Senate Resolution remembering the 30th anniversary of the bombing of the Embassy of Israel in Buenos Aires on March 17, 1992, the 28th anniversary of the bombing of the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association building in Buenos Aires on July 18, 1994, and recommitting to efforts to uphold justice for the victims of the attacks. – Introduced July 28, 2022
- H. Res.1231 – House Resolution condemning the attack on the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in July 1994 and expressing the concern of the United States regarding the continuing, 28-year-long delay in the resolution of this case and encouraging accountability for the attack. – Introduced July 18, 2022
- Letter from Sen. Rubio to U.S. Special Envoy Lipstadt – July 14, 2022
- Sen. Rubio Calls on U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism to Demand Investigation into Argentina’s Deadly Amia Terrorist Attack
- H. Res.990 – House Resolution to, among other things, oppose removing terrorism sanctions on Iran while Iran’s support of terrorist activities remains unchanged, including for alleged AMIA attack perpetrator Mohsen Rezaei. – Introduced March 17, 2022
- S. Res.277 – Senate Resolution remembering the 25th Anniversary of the bombing of the AMIA Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and recommitting to efforts to uphold justice for the 85 victims of the attacks. – Introduced July 18, 2019, passed October 29, 2019
- Letter from Sens. Rubio and Cardin, Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Women’s Issues to Secretary Barr – July 18, 2019
- Rubio, Cardin Urge DOJ to Help Hold Accountable Masterminds Of The 1994 Bombing of the AMIA
- H.Res.441 – Condemning the attack on the AMIA Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in July 1994 and expressing the concern of the United States regarding the continuing, 25-year-long delay in the resolution of this case and encouraging accountability for the attack – Introduced in House June 13, 2019, passed in House July 15, 2019
- H.Res.704 – Calling for swift and transparent investigation into Nisman’s death
– January 18, 2018 - S.Res.354 – Calling for an Investigation into Nisman’s Death – December 7, 2017
- H.Res.201 – Expressing support for Argentina’s investigation into bombing of the Embassy of Israel in Buenos Aires on March 17, 1992 – March 16, 2017
- Letter from Sen. Rubio to Secretary Kerry – January 29, 2015
- Letter from Rep. Royce, Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs to Secretary Kerry – January 23, 2015
- Press releases from Members Of Congress following the death of Nisman
- Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart – January 21, 2015
- Rep. Jeff Duncan – January 20, 2015
- Sen. Mark Kirk – January 19, 2015
- Sen. Robert Menendez – January 23, 2015
- Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen – January 19, 2015
- S.Res.167 – Calling for an Investigation into Nisman’s Death – May 6, 2015
- Sen. Rubio Statement on S.Res.167 – May 6, 2015
- Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Statement Regarding President Macri’s Decision to Investigate Alberto Nisman’s Death – December 11, 2015
Other Congressional Hearing Testimony
- Douglas Farah’s Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee the Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Women’s Issues – March 17, 2015
- Joseph Humire’s Testimony Before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere and Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa – Hearing on “Iran and Hezbollah in the Western Hemisphere” – March 18, 2015
- Opening Statement – March 18, 2015
- Leonardo Coutinho’s Testimony Before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere and Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa – Hearing on “Iran and Hezbollah in the Western Hemisphere – Entered into the Record – March 18, 2015
- Testimony from Ilan Berman (Vice President, American Foreign Policy Council) before the House Homeland Security Committee where he discusses Alberto Nisman, pages 4-6
- Spanish Nisman interview: A Dos Voces – Encubrimiento del Gobierno Argentino al Atentado AMIA – January 14, 2015
- Spanish audio of leaked wiretaps
- Spread sheet made by the Global Investigative Journalism Network containing audio files with directories for people and themes. They include descriptions and dates of about 2,000 audios from Nisman’s original 40,354 wiretappings.
- Link to article with more info can be found here
- Video of House Homeland Security Subcommittee Hearing showing empty chair for Nisman – July 9, 2013, introduction to Nisman and his empty chair at 3:35 through 4:52, also at 13:25 through 13:50.
- McCaul testimony during U.S. House of Representatives hearing – July 9, 2013, testimony begins at 40:45 through 44:27
Third Party Experts
- After Nisman: How the Death of a Prosecutor Revealed Iran’s Growing Influence in the Americas, by Joseph M. Humire – June 2016
- IASC Paper: The Murder of Alberto Nisman – How the government of Cristina Fernández de Kircherner created the environment for a perfect crime, by Douglas Farah – March, 2015
- The Law Society of Upper Canada – Statement on Nisman’s Death – May 6, 2015
Argentine National Congress
- Argentine Chamber of Deputies Letter to Secretary Kerry – March 17, 2015
- Argentine Chamber of Deputies Letter to Minister Steinmeier – March 17, 2015
- Argentine Chamber of Deputies Letter to Minister Lavrov – March 17, 2015
- Argentine Chamber of Deputies Letter to Minister Fabius – March 17, 2015
- Argentine Chamber of Deputies Letter to Secretary Hammond – March 17, 2015
- Argentine Chamber of Deputies Letter to Minister Wang Yi – March 17, 2015
Marking 25 Years Since the Attack
- Keynote Speech by Ambassador-at-Large, Nathan Sales, Bureau of Counterterrorism, Department of State at the event, “25 Years Since the AMIA Bombing: Latin America’s Deadliest Attack and the Implications for Today’s Counterterrorism Challenge,” hosted by FDD and the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C. – July 12, 2019
- Link to video of AMIA event marking 25 years since the attack, (Ambassador Sales’ remarks at 17:10 through 34:45)
- Transcript of Ambassador Sales’ remarks
- Transcript of full event
- Opening video produced by the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) containing accounts from survivors of the AMIA attack and their call for justice after 25 years of impunity. This video was made for the event, “25 Years Since the AMIA Bombing: Latin America’s Deadliest Attack and the Implications for Today’s Counterterrorism Challenge,” hosted by FDD and the Wilson Center – July 12, 2019
- Argentine Foreign Affairs Minister Jorge Faurie’s remarks on the AMIA bombing at a special session hosted at the UN headquarters in New York – June 24, 2019
- Link to video of full UN commemoration, (Faurie’s remarks at 11:00 through 19:15)
- Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s remarks at the Counterterrorism Ministerial Plenary in Buenos Aires
- Remarks of U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Argentine Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie and Minister of Security of Argentina Patricia Bullrich speak about the threat of terrorism in the Western Hemisphere and the collaborative actions being taken to counter these threats – July 19, 2019
- Video of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo addressing the threat of terrorism in the Western Hemisphere at the Counterterrorism Ministerial Plenary in Buenos Aires – July 19, 2019
Argentina designates Hezbollah as a terrorist entity
- Official Decree by the Government of Argentina entitled, “Cover-up and Laundering of Assets of Criminal Origin” (Encubrimiento y Lavado de Activos de Origen Delictivo) – 25 years after the attack on the AMIA, President Mauricio Macri officially signs the decree that creates a terrorism register and designates Hezbollah as a terrorist organization – July 17, 2019
Justice Department Terrorism Charges for Salman El Reda
- Justice Department Terrorism Charges for Salman El Reda — U.S. Justice Department press release unsealing terrorism charges against Salman El Reda in connection with El Reda’s alleged role leading decades of terrorist activity on behalf of Hezbollah and the Islamic Jihad Organization (IJO) — December 20, 2023.
Other US Government Officials’ Statements
- Deputy Assistant Secretary Mark Wells’ Remarks for the Opening of the Art and Remembrance Exhibition about the 1994 AMIA Attack in Buenos Aires Embassy of Argentina – Wednesday, May 04, 2022
Appointment of Ahmad Vahidi and Mohsen Rezaei to Iran’s Cabinet (August 2021)